Notable contemporary PKI Schemes
- The Italian Registry of Companies is now wholly digital. The only way for companies in Italy to update their records, or for the public to view current public records, is to go online. Some 2.5 million hard certificates (issued to tokens that comply with Europe’s tough qualified electronic signature requirements) are used regularly by companies to lodge official statements and reports.
- In Taiwan, online gaming subscriptions are controlled using the "Play Safe" PKI card, issued so far to 10,000 users and expected to grow to 5 million.
- Taiwan’s National Health Insurance smartcard issued to 22 million citizens is PKI-enabled; separately, some 340,000 cards and digital certificates have been issued to Taiwan-ese healthcare professionals.
- The Pan Asia e-commerce Alliance (PAA) oversees nine commercial CAs with 260,000 digital certificates on issue for online trade documentation between Hong Kong SAR, China, Chinese Taipei, Korea, and others.
- Electronic passport chips in the new International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) scheme are digitally signed; the system is said to be upgradeable to include personal certificates for passport holders.
- Johnson & Johnson has issued certificates on USB keys to 100, 000-plus employees for secure e-mail, remote access and ecommerce.
- The credit card companies' new 3D Secure payments protocol is based on digital certificates.
- The authority of Taiwan China offers a personal digital certificate card for G2C transactions, taken up by nearly 1,000,000 citizens so far; smartcard readers are available at convenience stores for US$10 each.
- In Korea, the six largest banks have issued 10 million certificates between them for Internet banking.
- Hong Kong Post has issued 2 million certificates to date, some on diskette, and some on the SMARTICS id card.
- Electronic court system or e-court in Malaysia has gained popularity which is web based system for administration and management of cases