Our Mission
To help greater adoption of PKI technology across government and businesses.
To help ensure Authenticity, Data Integrity and Traceability in every transaction, thereby improving Governance.
Helping the member bodies to improve their business.
To promote cooperative endeavor and interaction in research activities between technologies and users of electronic transactions in all sectors of the economy.
To suggest policy formulations, rules and regulations, laws etc. that may be necessary to further the use of electronic transactions in all sectors of the economy.
Our Vision - To help achieve complete digitization in India.
Digital India Vision
Government of India under its Digital India Vision has taken major initiatives to make the country e-ready by initiating various e-governance implementations across the country like automation of Income tax, passport, Company Law, e-procurement and bidding etc, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) forms the backbone for all these initiatives.
PKI and digital signatures form the authentication backbone for all these initiatives. PKI in India is controlled by the Controller of Certifying Authorities, Ministry of Information technology, Government of India. Digital Signature Certificate for authentication is issued by the Certifying Authorities (CAs). While digitization has commenced in various department indicated above, complete digitization in public and private sector is only possible with the use of Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Information Technology Act of 2008 provides necessary legal framework to support digitalization.
Click here to view how Digital Signature and PKI can be used to create a completely paperless environment as part of the Digital India Vision.
India PKI Forum's (IPKI) vision is to achieve this digital transformation in the country in the next few years. Towards this end, IPKI will work with various organizations – be it end user organizations, technology companies, consulting firms, regulatory bodies or other such institutions to achieve its objectives.
India PKI Forum (IPKI) is a non-profit organization aimed at bringing technology and service providers, integrators and end-users together to accelerate the adoption and use of PKI applications, digital signature certificates, as well as to facilitate interoperability through multi-vendor testing of industry standards and educational outreach. Sponsored by Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA), Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India, India PKI Forum serves as an Indian information resource for PKI and advocates cooperation and market awareness, enabling organizations to understand and exploit the value of PKI in applications relevant to their businesses. India PKI Forum is also an active member of the Asia PKI Consortium which is a non-government organization having a number of Asian Economics as Members.
If you are interested in becoming a member, click here
Latest Update
April 2019
New Model of eSign Launched